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Third Party Integrations
24 TopicsUsing API in Salesforce with Named and External Credentials and OAuth2 upload OK but call to file sh
I have setup OAuth2 in Salesforce along with Named Credentials and External Credentials. I am calling the File Upload API in the code..that works fine with all the above. I setup a second Named Credential that uses the shared External Credentials that the Upload API uses. The only real reason for this is the accomodate the different endpoints (why does Dropbox do this?). The Post to the Set Sharing/2/sharing/create_shared_link_with_settings endpoint uses the NamedCredential and gets a new/different bearer token. BUT, when that call is posted I get a 401 Unauthorized. The response says: {"error":{".tag":"missing_scope","required_scope":"sharing.write"},"error_summary":"missing_scope/"} The APP I defined in DROPBOX has sharing.write...so a little confuse. Where can I pass in that scope? Should I just generate a token in the APP for the one user...is that a permanent token that just replaces creds? UPDATE: I did use the APPTOKEN and that seems a better approach and calling OAuth each time. Its working, but now I have to figure out how to chunk load larger files. UGH Thoughts? Is there any reason getting a second token on a second HTTP callout is a problem when calling the different API?603Views0likes4Comments(Beginner) API to create file requests
Good afternoon, I am working on a project that uses Qualtrics (a web-based survey/forms) platform to create Dropbox file requests to allow the user to securely upload files to go along with their form submission to my Dropbox folder. All file requests would be from my account. While I have gotten the basics working, creating a file request via the HTTP SDK. Using the following from the API Explorer POST /2/file_requests/create Host: https://api.dropboxapi.com User-Agent: api-explorer-client Authorization: Bearer [[#TOKEN#]] Content-Type: application/json { "title": "12345678 Smith, John (App #: FA24-1234)", "destination": "1234 Jones_Martha OTE 1000S Student Smith_John", "deadline": { "deadline": "2024-09-25T01:00:00Z", "allow_late_uploads": { ".tag": "one_day" } }, "open": true } I was able to translate it into Qualtrics' Webservices screen I am now stumped because I found out from Dropbox Support that the API Token that was in the Dropbox App Console are not long living and expire in short time. So, the question is how do I follow the process to authenticate which will allow the system to still create the file requests? The end users do not login to Dropbox and are not required to have a Dropbox account to submit their files. The documentation that Dropbox Support sent me (Using OAuth 2.0 with offline access - Dropbox) appears to be for requiring the user to login to Dropbox to do tasks. I hope that someone could provide a person who is new to working with APIs with some guidance and advice. Thank you in advance for your guidance.493Views0likes5CommentsUsing Dropbox embedder in Angular application
Hi, I am trying to use the Dropbox embedder in a Angular application in component. I used thehttps://www.dropbox.com/developers/embedderdocumentation as starting point but when using the anchor tag approach the element is not rendered though I see that the dropbox script is loaded. Is there something else I should be doing or what could be the problem here? Are there resources for specifically using dropbox integration in Angular application?Solved337Views0likes1CommentThe system account was not connected for offline access error when connecting Dropbox OAuth 2 Moodle
I was trying to connect Dropbox to the Moodle LMS. When I try to connect to a system account icon, I get this error. The system account was not connected for offline access I have added the API key, Secret, redirect links and also configured endpoints and user field mappings. Is this linked to Moodle or Dropbox API? I am using Moodle version 4.3.3 and using free Dropbox plan Please assist in resolving this issue. The screenshot is given below. https://ibb.co/N3v63Jm785Views0likes4CommentsPython SDK Set Custom Quota
We have working version of our code using Python SDK but having trouble testing. What do I put for 20GB of data for custom_quota Just want to confirm do I put 20 or 20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 for custom_quota and can I user user email instead of member_id try: response = dbx.team_member_space_limits_set_custom_quota( member_id=team_member_id, quota=custom_quota ) except: dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"API Error: {e}")258Views0likes2CommentsMissing Apps folder for some users on our Dropbox team
Some users within our organization do not seem to have an Apps folder created for them within their user folder. Our dropbox application relies on this location as a common repository of files that are used as part of a content creation process, but the app will fail for all of the users who do not have this folder. As of right now there doesn't seem to be any commonality between which users on our team are affected. Is there any reason why this folder is not being created for some of our users?292Views0likes4CommentsHow to configure the domain to the chooser's frame-ancestor
Hi~I used the chooser's iframe embedding (as shown in the code). However, it's not displaying correctly due to frame-ancestor restrictions. How can I add my domain to frame-ancestor? Is this in the app's setting page? It doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance~ const comp = new Dropbox.Chooser({ appKey: "", onSuccess: () => { }, onCancel: () => { }, linkType: "preview", }) Dropbox.mount(comp, document.getElementById("container"));374Views0likes2CommentsQuestions using chooser
I encountered several questions when using the js of chooser. I would like to ask for advice.Thanks~ 1. How do I mount the chooser into a specified container as an iframe? 2.How do I configure frame-ancestors 3.Can the login page also be in an iframe instead of a pop-up window whennot logged in?247Views0likes2Comments